
Make A Website Self

view month ago i wast buy hosting and a domain, hosting is a free space hardisk so i rent the free space hardisk to save my file. in the service hosting they give me a cpanel like explorer so i easy to use it. hosting is usely if i not buy domain, whithout domain the hosting not have address.The domain like home address wich every home give a number. so we can find this domain with a hosting.

build website.....
ehmmm... is like difficult, but is not idifficult, is easy. if we not understand program PHP or Asp we can build with wordpress. ehmmm... it's simple right..., yes wordpress is a cms, so what the CMS.?.
CMS made some Webmaster CMS is a aplication web if we not understand language programing. i talk to my self what a genius this webmaster, and a cladding for they, becouse they we can buid website without know the language program. So scince can learn for anybody, and any body can writing the think's.

i wear a Wrodpress, and the subdomain i wear PHP language . so if you wont to look may web just visit http://ichsanrais.com and Http://personal.Ichsanrais.com


Use Email Account in Outlock Express

Long time i don't posting my blog, so is nice start. well in my tutorial i blow up email client in Gmail.com to store my mail in aplication Outlock Express,Thunderbird and handphone in other aplication.i'am using Imap because imap better than POP3 . whay i using Gmail, becouse Gmail ready to use mail client in this tutorial as Outlock Express. in Gmail Service for IMAP and POP3 in default is not actice, to active your IMAP and POP3 login to Gmail then go to menu setting then tab your keyboard to Forwarding and POP/IMAP. in configuration IMAP access, choise enable IMAP. ti finish this click Save Changes

To Configuration Outlook Express

Open Aplication Outlook form start -all programs -outlook Express. then from menu Tools-Account... in Books internet Account,click button Add-mail. then next step u login and step by step to add account email. inthis step u confirm to input Display name, input your name to use at sending email, then Next.

next step is input email address at form essay E-mail Address and click Next.
entering next step, at choise in MY incoming main server is a____server, choose IMAP input "imap.gmail.com" at incoming mail (POP3,IMAP or HTTP) server and fill in "smtp.gmail.com" in the Out Going mail (SMTP) server. then click Next.

Next step input username and password. at fill account name, content with email address and password, same at u login in Gmail. then click Next.

At next step click finish. configuration not yet complete, and to back internet accounts, choose imap.gmail.com then click button properties.

At next configuration click tab advavace. in under outgoing mail (SMTP), give choise at this server regueires a secure connection (SSL), and content outgoing mail (SMTP) choose the port become 465. in under incoming mail (IMAP), choose this server reguires a secure connection (SSL). fiil in port become 993.

then click tab servers and give requires at my server requires autehtication. finish with OK.

thn u wiil ask wiil u to download folder-folder at gmail. click yes. then click send/recv to begin start download email-email in your account gmail.